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Luton Borough Council

Luton Local Plan – Evidence base

This page lists and provides links to the evidence base for the Luton Local Plan

Evidence for the current Local Plan 2011-2031 is headed 'Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011- 2031' whereas, evidence for preparing the new Local Plan will be headed 'Evidence - New Local Plan '.

The documents are grouped by topic. If you click on the plus sign next to the topic heading, the drop down list will open up.Further links may be added as appropriate as the preparation of a new plan progresses.
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Evidence - New Local Plan

As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.

Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
Evidence - New Local Plan

As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.

Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
Evidence - New Local Plan

As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.

Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ